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Heliyon ; 10(4): e25695, 2024 Feb 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38390092


BACKGROUND: In the process of international communication in Chinese Wushu (ICCW), the government controls the orientation, scale, pace. However, the ICCW currently lacks a standardised government capacity structural system, and a detailed study of framework construction may be required to ensure the smooth development of the ICCW. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to clarify these elements and construct a framework for a governmental capacity system for ICCW. METHODS: For this purpose, an expert interview outline was designed, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 61 experts. Using grounded theory in the qualitative research method, NVivo 12 software was used to conduct a three-level coding analysis of the interview text for data processing and analysis. RESULTS: We extracted 58 opening codes and 11 tree nodes and categorised them into three core categories: supply side government capacity, environment-side government capacity, and demand-side government capacity, accounting for 62.36 %, 24.76 %, and 12.86 % of the total, respectively, which jointly constructed the framework structure system of the governmental capacity system for the ICCW. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that these three-dimensional government capacities have synergistic effects and that multiple measures work together. The government should ensure the supply side's direct promotion effect; the environmental side's indirect influencing effect; and the demand side's internal driving effect to promote ICCW. Meanwhile, a closed-loop systematic study of communication processes should be conducted in combination with communication organisations and individuals.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 55(1): 165-179, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155645


Abstract Colombia's duality between the relative strength of the central government and the broad process of decentralization towards subnational and local governments has shaped the country's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Substantial tensions have arisen between the national and subnational governments in the handling of the crisis. Thus, blurred policy boundaries challenge multi-level government coordination. Yet, intergovernmental relations and multi-level governance have worked at some extent. Meanwhile, leadership styles, the level of political support, the local governance environment and the level of local institutional capacity have affected the strategies of local government leaders and their success to tackle the pandemic. Moreover, uneven healthcare capacity across the Colombian territory posits further challenges for a national response to the pandemic that ensures both effectiveness and equity.

Resumo A dualidade da Colômbia, entre a força relativa do governo central e o amplo processo de descentralização com fortalecimento de governos subnacionais e locais, estabeleceu os contornos da resposta do país à pandemia de COVID-19. Testemunhou-se uma substancial tensão entre os governos nacional e subnacionais no tratamento da crise. Os limites pouco claros das políticas desafiam a coordenação governamental em vários níveis. No entanto, as relações intergovernamentais e a governança em vários níveis funcionaram até certo ponto. Enquanto isso, os estilos de liderança, o nível de apoio político, o ambiente local de governança e o nível local de capacidade institucional, afetaram as estratégias das lideranças governamentais locais e seu sucesso no combate à pandemia. Além disso, as desigualdades na capacidade de prover serviços de saúde em todo o território colombiano apresentam desafios adicionais para uma resposta nacional à pandemia que garanta efetividade e equidade.

Resumen La dualidad del modelo unitario descentralizado de Colombia, entre la fuerza relativa del gobierno central y el amplio proceso de descentralización hacia los gobiernos subnacionales y locales ha influido en la respuesta del país frente a la pandemia de COVID-19. Algunas tensiones sustanciales han aparecido entre los gobiernos nacional y subnacionales en el manejo de la crisis. Un contexto con algunos límites jurisdiccionales borrosos impone un reto a la coordinación gubernamental multinivel. Sin embargo, las relaciones intergubernamentales y la gobernanza multinivel parecen haber funcionado en alguna medida. Por otro lado, los estilos de liderazgo, el nivel de apoyo político, el entorno local de gobernanza y el nivel local de capacidad institucional han afectado las estrategias de las autoridades locales y su éxito al enfrentar la pandemia. Más aun, las disparidades en la capacidad de protección en salud a lo largo del territorio colombiano plantean desafíos adicionales para una respuesta coordinada nacional a la pandemia que asegure tanto efectividad como equidad.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Política , Gestão em Saúde , Governança em Saúde , COVID-19 , Relações Interinstitucionais
J Environ Manage ; 223: 1037-1046, 2018 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30096744


This study employs the Vector Auto-regression model with Generalized Response Impulse Function to analyse the dynamic nexus between economic growth and the industrial environmental pollution intensity for six specific pollutants in Shanxi province of China from 1995 to 2015. The result show there exists bi-directional effects, with stronger impact running from economic development to industrial pollution is stronger. We also find the Shanxi government shows significant capacity in the management of industrial solid waste and waste gas. The provincial government has higher capacity in controlling Sulfur Dioxide compared to soot/dust. Our results verify the existence of Environmental Kuznets Curve through dynamic interactions between industrial pollution intensity and economic growth impulse. Three out of the six environmental pollution intensity responses are in the shape of inverted U curve. There are exceptions for three pollutants: N curve for Chemical Oxygen Demand and U curve for solid waste and waste gas.

Desenvolvimento Econômico , Poluição Ambiental , Indústrias , China , Governo , Resíduos Industriais